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Anti-snoring devices or active noise cancelling earplugs as a solution for snoring

People have been fighting against snoring spouses since the beginning of times – with varied results. Finally, during the era of technological revolution, wide range of technical solutions and anti-snoring devices have been designed and crafted for our rescue. Read more about earplugs for snoring. As always, no solution is perfect. There are different issues…

People have been fighting against snoring spouses since the beginning of times – with varied results. Finally, during the era of technological revolution, wide range of technical solutions and anti-snoring devices have been designed and crafted for our rescue. Read more about earplugs for snoring.

As always, no solution is perfect. There are different issues and some people prefer another option over the other. Fairly, some of the ideas are pretty inventive, but since there are tons of gadgets, it can be a frustrating and money-consuming process to find out what works for you and what doesn’t.

Hopefully with this article, you’ll absorb some brightness to the battle against snoring. We’ll be covering the following topics in detail, so get yourself a cup of tea, a sandwich and sit tight.

  1. Anti-snoring devices vs. active noise cancelling – what’s the difference?
  2. There’s seriously a wide variety of anti-snoring devices
  3. Do anti-snoring devices really work?
  4. ANC takes a different approach to the snoring problem
  5. ANC’s benefits beyond snoring
  6. Pricing: differences between the devices
  7. Are you sure it is just snoring?
  8. Summary

Anti-snoring devices vs. active noise cancelling – what’s the difference?

Now straight to the point! Let’s take a closer look at two of the most popular tactics to challenge the snoring problem: anti-snoring devices and active noise cancelling (ANC) earplugs. For those who are not familiar with the subject, here’s a short brief about the differences between the two.

Anti-snoring devices

  • An anti-snoring device is a gadget/widget/machine that is designed to mechanically intervene with snoring and stop people from snoring (or at least reduce snoring)
    • For example, a band that binds your jaw during the night
  • In general, there is a multitude of different inventions
    • Some are pretty brutal and straightforward (like the jaw binding band option mentioned above)
    • Some quite artistic (e. g. Smart Nora)
  • In the end, both, the results and user satisfaction vary – a lot (one solution does not fit all)
    • It can be a perfect fit for someone
    • And a total waste of money for someone else
    • Problem is that you don’t know before you try
    • And most of the more serious devices cost a lot of money

Active noise cancelling (ANC)

  • ANC approaches the snoring problem with a completely new angle and a more gentle way
    • ANC doesn’t try to solve the problem mechanically by force
    • Instead, it uses a technological innovation called “active noise cancelling”
      • Also known by names: active noise cancelling and active noise reduction
    • In a nutshell: an unwanted sound is reduced by adding another sound specifically made to cancel it out
  • You can read more about ANC here or here

Hopefully that explained the main differences between the two different angles for the snoring problem. Next, let’s take a look at the anti-snoring devices in more detail.

How Anti-Snoring Devices Compare With Active Noise Cancelling Technology

There’s seriously a wide variety of anti-snoring devices

At this point, it’s already pretty clear that the Internet (especially Amazon, eBay & Wish) is full of different kinds of anti-snoring devices. Just make a search! There’s anything ranging from simple plastics knobs to machines that are controlling and monitoring your sleeping position. But, like always, the more there are solutions the harder it is to find something that actually works.

The most common anti-snoring devices

Most common types of anti-snoring devices can be grouped into:

  • Mouthpieces
  • Mouth strips
  • Nasal dilators / strips
  • Chin straps
  • Smart pillows

Chin Strap Is An Example Of Anti-Snoring Device

Snorelabs has already compiled a nice list describing the different solutions above. The actual reviews might give a slightly too positive picture about the solutions, but in the end, even they state that “snoring is complicated” and typically one remedy won’t cure you.

Since the web is already full of reviews the point of this article is not to compare one product against another. But, if the reviews are the ONE thing that you are interested in, you’ll be treated in the next chapter, where we have compiled what kind of experiences people have had.

Do anti-snoring devices actually work?

Like always, there are multiple opinions out there. Since we don’t want to take sides whether the gadgets are working or not, let’s take a look what people are actually telling about their experiences:

  • This post from Healthline, describes a married couples experience from three different anti-snoring devices. (Spoiler alert: they didn’t solve their problems.)
  • Here’s another one by the Wirecutter. It has six different devices in test with varying results.
  • Then, there’s this super extensive guide for snoring by: snorer.com. Snorer dives deeper to the subject than anyone else. There are even x-ray images that are describing possible structural issues in head/neck area of patients.

If you happen to have a good experience with one particular product, we are super happy for you! Though, based on all the data gathered from multiple sources, it is more likely that you are not so lucky. Since we all come in different shapes, sizes and anatomy it is impossible to have a one size fits all solution.

Overall, it’s safe to answer that devices might work, but probably not for you. At least the first options. Or the cheapest options.

So, what then? You should probably get familiar with active noise cancelling technology.

ANC takes a different approach to the snoring problem

With ANC, the point is not to force your body to quit snoring. Instead, it provides another way around the problem and people are finding it to be useful. You can check out what people think about it:

  • From this link here
  • And another one here (this one is also quite descriptive about ANC in general)


How Active Noise Cancelling Blocks The Noise

ANC earplugs as an anti-snoring device

So how does it actually work with the earplugs?

  1. In earplugs, ANC technology is used with microphones that sample the sound and the speaker
  2. This in turn creates a phase-shifted sound that cancels the snoring sound

Quite simple, right? So instead of trying to control your head and body positioning, ANC focuses on the interruption. It blocks the irritating sound and helps you to sleep. For more detailed information, learn more about our tiny ANC technology.

All in all, when compared to anti-snoring devices, ANC looks quite promising. Obviously, it does not fix the underlying issue with snoring, but it does what it promises – cancels the sound of snoring completely.

Benefits of ANC beyond snoring related issues

Today’s urban city environment is filled with different types of noise. There’s ground traffic noise, factory noise and air traffic noise just to name a few. Actually, noise is even considered to be a type of environmental pollution because of its harmful effects to people and other organisms.

Active Noise Cancelling Can Be Helpful In Urban City Life

So why wouldn’t you use ANC technology to battle with these types of noises in addition to the sleep issues? It might be a little-known fact, but ANC technology can secure the well-being of your ears (as well as your stress level) in multiple noisy occasions other than snoring.

Think about traveling for example: how many times have you been frustrated about the annoying background noise? Especially in a train, bus, tram or even in an airplane. Since all of these are low-frequency sounds (such as snoring), ANC can reduce the noise significantly.

If you are interested about how environmental noise can affect our health, check out our earlier post.

Pricing: differences between the devices

Before wrapping things up, there’s one more thing we should take a look at and you probably guessed right – it is pricing. Eventually, everything comes down to the price and that’s how it should be, since pricing is one of the most important factors what makes people choose which product to buy.

There’s actually not a big difference in the prices between anti-snoring devices and ANC earplugs. Of course, some of the anti-snoring devices can be purchased between 5-20 bucks, but good does not come cheap even in the world of anti-snoring.

The Cost Of Anti-Snoring Devices Varies

With the serious products from both categories, the usual price range settles between 150-400$. Therefore, it is not a huge investment, since one cannot really measure the value of well slept nights.

  • Price range for cheap products: 5-50$ (only anti-snoring devices)
  • Price range for serious products: 150-400$ (both anti-snoring devices & ANC earplugs)

Are you sure it is just snoring?

Obviously, a lack of proper sleep is a critical health issue for both, you and your spouse. (Learn more about the value of having a good rest.) But snoring is more complicated than just that. So instead of choosing from the right anti-snoring devices, we always encourage people to find out what is the underlying reason behind snoring.

Anti-Snoring Device Might Not Be The Answer You Are Looking For

There are actually many possible health related issues why people end up snoring, such as:

  • Sleep apnea
  • Obesity
  • Nose polyps
  • Sinus problems
  • Nasal septum
  • Normal cold & flu
  • Allergies
  • Anatomy
  • Alcohol

Because this post was not dedicated to possible health issues, we wanted to include a link to Mayo Clinic. There you can find valuable information about snoring and snoring related health problems. So please take a look and see if a visit to a doctor should be considered.


  • There’s a wide variety of gadgets designed to help with snoring
  • These gadgets can be divided in two separate groups (anti-snoring devices and active noise cancelling earplugs) by the way how they approach the problem
  • Anti-snoring devices cannot be considered as stable solutions because the results vary too much
  • Active noise cancelling works like magic, but it doesn’t remove snoring (though, it is not even meant to)
  • Active noise cancelling has other useful adaptions in everyday life, that are beyond sleep issues
  • Make sure to find out what is the underlying issue why you snore!